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Puja in Digamdara Jain Tradition: material representatives of immaterial
Orientalistica, 2019, №2
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 241-259
Natalia Zheleznova
Ayurvedic treatises of the classical period on the importance of physical exercises
Orientalistica, 2019, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 260-268
V. Druzhinin
Lokayata and lokayatics in the ancient sources (the Pali Canon and the “Arthashastra”)
Orientalistica, 2019, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 269-287
Eugeniy Vyrshikov
Two unique coins with multiple die stamps from Caucasus (13th century)
Orientalistica, 2019, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 288-298
A. Akopyan
Eugeny Goncharov
Ibn-Sina (Avicenna) Al-Isharat wa-t-tanbihat [on metaphysics]. Part four
Orientalistica, 2019, №2
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 337-374
T. Ibrahim
Natalya Efremova
“The Religion of Man”: Spiritual Experience, Freedom and Tradition in the Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore
Orientalistica, 2019, №2
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 375-396
Tatiana Skorokhodova
Interpreting the term nafs: a component of the Sufi doctrine
Orientalistica, 2019, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 421-434
N. Chalisova
The meaning of words jan and nafs in ‘Attar’s poetry. A contribution to the dictionary of ‘Attar’s poetical language
Orientalistica, 2019, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 435-446
Leyli Lahuty
Western Impacts on the Cultures of the East
Orientalistica, 2019, №2
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 457-471
Svetlana Prozhogina
What is the Russian for “Bodhi” an “enlightenment” or an “awakening”?
Orientalistica, 2019, №1
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 21-39
Valery Androsov
Ibn-Sina (Avicenna). Al-Isharat wa-t-tanbihat [on metaphysics]. Part three
Orientalistica, 2019, №1
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 79-116
T. Ibrahim
Natalya Efremova
A note about the Greek script and the Greek language as found in Kitāb al-Fihrist by Ibn an-Nadīm
Orientalistica, 2019, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 119-133
Nikolaj Serikoff
“Persian Miniature” from the Lev Gumilev’s Museum-apartment: the riddle of textual decor
Orientalistica, 2019, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 159-188
A. Bondarev
Natalya Prigarina
George Roerich Annual International Meeting (Ancient and Medieval India and Central Asia Text and memory of Culture)
Orientalistica, 2019, №1
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 191-203
Elena Tyulina
The Crowned and Bejewelled Buddha in Theravada iconography: canonical sources and symbolic meaning
Orientalistica, 2019, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 539-590
Igor Grunin
On Avicennian Reform of Aristotle’s Metaphysics: basic attitudes
Orientalistica, 2019, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 615-633
Natalya Efremova
Al-Isharat wa-t-tanbihat [on metaphysics]. Part five. (Transl., foreword and comm. by T. Ibrahim, N. V. Efremova)
Orientalistica, 2019, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 634-676
Ibn-Sina (Avicenna)
Jain tantra: stating the problem
Orientalistica, 2019, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 677-691
Natalia Zheleznova
The development of Mongolian theory of poetry in the context of Indo-Tibetan poetic tradition
Orientalistica, 2019, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 695-709
E. Baldanmaksarova
King David: myth and history
Orientalistica, 2019, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 710-723
A. Desnitsky
“Revolution” in the philosophy and poetry of Muhammad Iqbal (an attempt of cognitive-discursive analysis)
Orientalistica, 2019, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 724-751
L. Vasilyeva
Natalya Prigarina
Russian language as a means of interpreting Buddhist cultural heritage: creating target-orientated vocabulary
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 807-816
Valery Androsov
Buddha Akshobhya in Mongolia
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 817-837
Surun-Khanda Syrtypova
On the creation of derivative tantras of the Kālacakra teaching. Discovering common text block in the Sekoddeśa and the Śrīkālacakra and revealing traditional data on the relation of the Sekoddeśa to the Ādibuddha
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 838-873
Andrei Strelkov
Historical data from Shu-jing regarding the states Shang and Zhou (“The Canon of Writings”)
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 874-889
Galina Popova
N. K. Roerich’s Contribution to the Knowledge of the East
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
, 890-915
Alla Shustova
Mirza A. K. Kazembek and Oriental numismatic in Russia
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 916-924
Eugeny Goncharov
On Avicennian Reform of Aristotle’s Metaphysics: what is metaphysics?
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 927-953
Natalya Efremova
“An Article with the Discourse on Governing” and “A Discourse on the Warring States [Period]”: Political and Philosophical Essays by Li Zhi
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 983-1006
Nikolai Rudenko
The European linguistic tradition as compared to other traditions
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 1009-1020
Vladimir Alpatov
Linking the poetical text and the doctrines of Sufi brotherhoods: Sufi poetry of A. Lahuti
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1021-1037
Natalya Prigarina
The 9th International Conference “Written Historical Sources of the East. Aspects of Translation and Interpretation»
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 1081-1094
Liubov Goriaeva
[Review on:] Ed. by Jared Diamond and James A. Robinson. Natural Experiments of History. Harvard University Press, 2010
Orientalistica, 2019, №4
, 1095-1102
Lev Perepelkin
Ōta Gyūichi. “Shinchō-kō ki”. Book V
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 31-48
S. Polkhov
Intoxication and Laughter in Japanese Buddhism: based on Konjaku monogatari shū, maki 28
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 51-69
Nadezhda Trubnikova
“Interpretation of Voidness and Fullness” and “Interpretation of Loftiness and Cleanliness”: Li Zhi’s Essays on the Qualities of Human Character
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 84-109
Nikolai Rudenko
Some aspects of the Gaudiya-Vayshnavism research
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 110-118
N. Antonova
Myths and Misconceptions in Japanese linguistic research
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 121-128
Vladimir Alpatov
Maronite writer Jibri`il Jarmanus Farhat (1670–1732) and his attempts to include the works of Christian Arab authors in the “virtual catalogue” of Arabic Muslim literature
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 143-159
Nikolaj Serikoff
A story about the Daughter of Ka‘b from the Masnavi Ilahi-nameh by the Sufi Persian poet Farid ad-Din ‘Attar
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 207-246
Leyli Lahuty
Indonesian Yusuf and Zulaikha: Short Story “The Apple and the Knife” by Intan Paramaditha (2008)
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 247-262
Marina Frolova
Rivers and Religion. Connecting Cultures of South and Southeast Asia The 8th South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion (SSEASR) Conference and Its Special Session at the Buddhist sites of Bangladesh
Orientalistica, 2020, №1
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 295-306
Irina Glushkova
Interpretation of the image of the Goddess Tara by Zanabazar compared to that by his predecesors and followers (from Sri Lanka to Siberia)
Orientalistica, 2020, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 348-378
S.-Kh. Syrtypova
Ōta Gyūichi. “Shinchō-kō ki”. Book VII
Orientalistica, 2020, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 379-400
Svyatoslav Polkhov
On Avicennian Reception of Aristotle’s Categories: (ch. I–IV)
Orientalistica, 2020, №2
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 403-427
Natalya Efremova
T. Ibrahim
Ideas regarding the phenomenon of the Spiritual Ignorance in the Hindu Tantrism Philosophy
Orientalistica, 2020, №2
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 428-440
S. Pakhomov
Between truth and fiction: the story by Abdullah Munshi about the British mission to Java (January–May 1811)
Orientalistica, 2020, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 457-469
Liubov Goriaeva
A story about the Daughter of Ka‘b from the Masnavi Ilahi-nameh by Farid ad-Din ‘Attar: the romance narrative within the mystical context
Orientalistica, 2020, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 470-496
Marina Reysner
“Peoples meet in Yemen”. A Peter A. Gryaznevich and Avraam G. Lundin memorial Conference
Orientalistica, 2020, №2
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 539-544
Nikolaj Serikoff
S. Frantsouzoff
LIX George Roerich Annual International Meeting (Ancient and Medieval India and Central Asia:Text and the Genesis of Notions and Meanings in Culture)
Orientalistica, 2020, №2
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 545-560
Elena Tyulina
A Monarchy and a Half: the Ancient Israelite Statehood Evaluated
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 619-643
A. Desnitsky
The Ramses III's inscription and the Trojan War: towards the historiography of the discussion
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 644-661
A. Safronov
The artistic Heritage of Dzanabadzar and his School preserved in the Collections of the State Hermitage
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Ethnology, Anthropology and Ethnography
, 662-680
Yu. Elikhina
Ōta Gyūichi. “Shinchō-kō ki”. Book 8 (part 1)
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 681-710
S. Polkhov (transl.)
Dialectics in early Yogācāra and bodhisattva ideal
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 713-732
Sergey Burmistrov
On Avicennian Reception of Aristotle's Categories (ch. V-VII)
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 733-764
Natalya Efremova
T. Ibrahim
Ancient Egyptian - Arabic contacts in lexicon: clue to Arabic Urheimat?
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 783-798
A. Militarev
Martyrdom of John of Phanijoit MS Vat - Copt. 69, fols 40r-55v
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 799-819
Lilia Frangulian
The ghazal of Mir Taqi Mir: the formation of the poetic and literary language of Urdu
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 820-848
L. Vasilyeva
At the 16
Sharjah academic conference on the Arabic electronic (interactive) novel (Amman, September 2019)
Orientalistica, 2020, №3
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 851-880
Dmitry Mikulsky
Ōta Gyūichi. “Shinchō-kō ki”. Book VIII (part 2)
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 938-967
Svyatoslav Polkhov
Monetary Economy of South Kazakhstan in the 19th Century (as evidenced by the “Turkestan Archive”)
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 985-1007
V. Nastich
Crowned Buddha of Amaravati and the Cakkavatti canonical concept
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 1010-1027
Igor Grunin
On Avicennian Reception of Aristotle’s Categories (ch. VIII–XV)
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 1028-1054
Natalia Efremova
T. Ibrahim
The Upanishads and worship of the Maha Mantra in the tradition of Gaudiya Vaishnavism
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 1055-1067
Vadim Ostanin
How Sages Taught People the Art of War: “Discourse on Armament and Food” by Li Zhi
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 1068-1096
Nikolai Rudenko
‘Warrior fighting two wars’: Life of ‘Abdallah ibn al-Mubarak in the ‘Attar’s Memorial of God’s Friends
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1133-1149
N. Chalisova
Nāṣir-i Xusrav and his Raušanāīnāmeh (“The Book of Enlightenment”)
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1150-1164
Natalya Prigarina
Mavzuna Shakarbekova
The Spiritual and Material culture of the Eastern people as reflected in the medieval written historical evidence (monumenta scripta). The 10
anniversary conference.
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 1167-1188
Liubov Goriaeva
Military Orientologist Schools in the Context of the Foreign and Military Policy of the Russian State in the Late 19th ‒ early 20th Centuries. [Review on:] Baskhanov M. K. A History of the Study of Eastern Languages in the Russian Imperial Army. Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-istoria, 2018. 632 p.
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
, 1189-1201
Mikhail Bukharin
Some thoughts on historical and legal aspects regarding the fourth volume of the “Laws of the Great Ming dynasty” translated into Russian. [Review on:] Svistunova N. P. (transl.), Dmitriev S. V. (ed.). Laws of the Great Ming Dynasty with the Combined Commentary and Enclosed Decrees (Da Ming Liuy Tsi Tze Fu Li). Pt. IV. Moscow: Vostochnaya literature; 2019. 550 p.
Orientalistica, 2020, №4
, 1202-1214
Roman Pochekaev
Ilia Tutaev
A term “minyan” in Venetian Hevrat Shomerim la-Boker minute book (16–17th centuries)
Orientalistica, 2020, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 1269-1279
Evgenia Zarubina
James Legge on the Lun Yu’s text history
Orientalistica, 2020, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1280-1297
Lidia Golovacheva
Tax-farming agreement at the reign of the Abbasid caliph al-Muctadid (892 CE): an extract from the Kitāb al-Wuzarā’ by Hilal al-Sabi
Orientalistica, 2020, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1298-1311
Farda Asadov
Ōta Gyūichi. “Shinchō-kō ki”. Book XI (part 1)
Orientalistica, 2020, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1312-1341
Svyatoslav Polkhov
Should “The Book of Changes” be studied “apart from the “Spirits”? Towards the necessity of new interpretations of the Lun Yu
Orientalistica, 2020, №5
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 1344-1357
Dmitrii Kononchuk
Discourse of the father with his son about the water of life in the masnavi “Ilahi-Nameh” by (Farid ad-Din)
Orientalistica, 2020, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1397-1436
Leyli Lahuti
“Mir Taqi Mir”. A fragment from the History of Urdu Poetry “Water of Life” of Muhammad Husayn Azad
Orientalistica, 2020, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1437-1449
L. Vasilyeva
“Beautiful virtue” (mei-de 美德) as the “most precious treasure” in China. [Review on:] Su Shuyang (ed.) A Reader on the Beautiful Virtue of China. Transl. from Сhinese by Yang Chunlei, A. I. Kobzev. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Nestor-History; 2019. 320 р.
Orientalistica, 2020, №5
, 1452-1469
Nataliya Orlova
Could Xerxes push the land back? On understanding some fragments from the Satrap Stele of Ptolemy
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 28-51
A. Safronov
Inscriptions on the Ancient Chinese Bronze Vessels “Bi Qi You” (Late Shang Period)
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 52-76
Dmitry Kulikov
The periodization of the relations between Dzungaria and Tibet in the first half of the 18
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 77-95
Baatr Kitinov
Liu Qiang
The historical continuum of Jerusalem: the inseparability of time and space, past and present, history and politics
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies
, 96-120
Farda Asadov
The Fustat al-‘adala: a Unique Manuscript on the Religious Landscape of Medieval Anatolia
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 121-147
Bruno De Nicola
The Fustat al-‘adala’s relation to the Siyar al-muluk: textual analysis
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 150-189
A. Khismatulin
Nicholas Belfield Dennys as a pioneer in the comparative study of Chinese folklore
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Folklore studies
, 190-211
A. Starostina
Who stole the ram? The “New Interpretations” of the “Analects” (13.8) and the most recent discussions on the “effective admonition” by the scholars from the Peoples’ Republic of China
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 242-259
Valentin Golovachev
East and resources: from Antiquity to the Present [Review on:] Alexander M. Etkind. The Nature of evil. Raw materials and the state. Moscow: New Literary Review; 2020. 504 p.
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
, 262-286
Lev Perepelkin
50 years of the conference “State and Society in China”
Orientalistica, 2021, №1
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 287-319
Andrei Dikarev
Artem Kobzev
Ekaterina Skrypnik
Philosophical Oriental Studies. By the 100th Anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1921-2021)
Orientalistica, 2021, №2
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 344-362
Marietta Stepanyants
"Bodhisattva-icchantika": On the problem of the state of bodhisattva in Mahayana
Orientalistica, 2021, №2
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of religion and religious studies
, 363-377
Sergey Burmistrov
Tangut captivity of Genghis Khan
Orientalistica, 2021, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 380-405
Yuliy Drobyshev
An Unpublished Fragment SI 4645 of the Sanskrit Lotus Sutra from the Serindia Collection of the IOM, RAS
Orientalistica, 2021, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 419-433
Artem Mesheznikov
Pilgrimage Stories at the turn of two eras (travel diaries by Shikhabuddin Marjani and Abdullah Munshi)
Orientalistica, 2021, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 489-503
Liubov Goriaeva
Problems of reception, translation and interpretation of “The secret history of the Mongols” (1240) in Russian oriental studies (on the example of the work of S. A. Kozin)
Orientalistica, 2021, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 504-524
Elizaveta Baldanmaksarova
LX George Roerich Annual International Meeting (Ancient and Medieval India and Central Asia: Text and the Genesis of Notions and Meanings in Culture)
Orientalistica, 2021, №2
, 527-544
Elena Tyulina
Latin inscription CIL III 90 in the context of the history of Roman Orient. Old and new interpretations
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 561-570
Mikhail Bukharin
Witnessed in Stone: Epigraphic Evidence of Addressees of the Prophet’s Missives in Ḥaḍramawt
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 571-577
S. Frantsouzoff
Was Diodorus right?
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 578-595
Eleonora Kormysheva
Thing in museum space: change of status and other transformations
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Ethnology, Anthropology and Ethnography
, 620-634
Margarita Albedil
The last Legal Code of the Yuan Empire: History and Text
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 635-661
Sergey Sidorovich
Petitions of the Iranian kupchina (Merchant) Bijan-bek to Tsar Mikhail Fiodorovich (1613–1645) from the Russian State Archives of Ancient Acts
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 662-675
Sergey Kostikov
Zhang Dongsun`s epistemological theory
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 704-719
Maria Rubets
Motif of paper garment in Ghalib’s and his predecessors’ verses
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 722-734
Natalya Prigarina
L. Vasilyeva
“The Sketch of the Arabic Literature” by V. F. Guirgass (1835–1887) in the context of the Russian Arabic Studies d the 19th century and the present situation in our branch of scholarship
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 735-757
Dmitry Mikulsky
Female Voice in Urdu Poetry
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 758-767
Zayana Nasir
The travel story as the structure-forming basis for Attar poems
Orientalistica, 2021, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 768-799
Leyli Lahuty
The Reincarnations of the Andzhatan Lama: a Study of the Phenomenon
Orientalistica, 2021, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 858-881
Baatr Kitinov
Anastasiya Lyulina
New data for attribution of the miniature of St. Luke from the collection of the University of St. Joseph in Beirut
Orientalistica, 2021, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 882-900
Maxim Fionin
Introduction to the study of Kong-zi jia-yu (“School Sayings of Confucius”)
Orientalistica, 2021, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 901-928
Galina Popova
Mingtang and Tiantang of the Empess Wu Zetian (624–705)
Orientalistica, 2021, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 929-948
Ekaterina Skrypnik
Avicennian reсeption of Aristotle’s philosophical psychology: the definition of the soul
Orientalistica, 2021, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 967-986
Natalia Efremova
Brahmadeva. Paramātmaprakāśa-vṛtti. First adhikāra, dohaka 1–10
Orientalistica, 2021, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 987-1004
Natalia Zheleznova
Satanological Myth in the Coptic literature and its development
Orientalistica, 2021, №4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1007-1032
Eugenia Smagina
The “evidential paradigm” in Persian Classics: princes from Sarandip and other clue interpreters
Orientalistica, 2021, №4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1033-1062
N. Chalisova
Tibetan policy of the Mongols (1205–1235)
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 1125-1144
Yuliy Drobyshev
The Eastern Sea Route as Depicted in a Chinese Historical Geographical Description of Foreign Lands of the Yuan dynasty (1279–1368) Daoyi zhilüe (“A Brief Description of the Island Barbarians”, 1349/1350): Chapters 1–4, Translation with Commentary
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 1145-1165
Ilia Kolnin
Socioeconomic Changes in South Arabia in The First Half of The Sixteenth Century.
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 1166-1182
Talib Gasanov
On the Printed Fragment in Classical Mongolian Script from the Collection of IOM, RAS
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1183-1198
Sergey Sidorovich
Pinkas-notebook and pinkas-register book: evolution, structure, and composition
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1199-1218
Evgeniya Zarubina
Medieval or Early Pre-Modern? Dating Several Fragments from a Judeo-Persian Manuscript (C40 Hebrew, the IOM RAS)
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1219-1237
Ekaterina Belkina
Study of the chemical composition of Amir Wali coins by x-ray fluorescent analysis
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1238-1249
Alexey Alyoshin
Flowers, Bird and Insects from the Archives of F. R. Osten-Sacken
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
, 1269-1277
Andrey Kulikov
Some aspects of the authorship of the treatise “Xiao Jing”
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 1279-1300
Anastasia Blazhkina
The first ghazal of the Divan of Ghalib
Orientalistica, 2021, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 1323-1351
Natalya Prigarina
L. Vasilyeva
Buddhism and Shamanism among Tuvans in Russia and China now: folk cults and traditions
Orientalistica, 2022, №1
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Ethnology, Anthropology and Ethnography
, 15-34
Baatr Kitinov
Anastasiya Lyulina
Falsafa’s foundations of the modernistic theology of dialogue
Orientalistica, 2022, №1
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 57-78
T. Ibrahim
Natalia Efremova
Beauty in the Mirror of Poetics [Book review:] N.Yu. Chalisova. Of Persian Beauty. The Lovers’ Companion by Šaraf ad-Dīn Rāmī. Analysis, translation from Persian, commentary, indices, and appendix. Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publishing House; 2021. 430 с.
Orientalistica, 2022, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 147-156
Marina Reysner
Cereals and Harvests: Polyphony in the Old Chinese Writing (part 1)
Orientalistica, 2022, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 173-184
Timur Safin
About pride, shame and so on… [Book review:] Under the Skies of South Asia & Shame and Pride: the Preliminaries of Emotional Standards and Practices. Ed. and gen. ed.: I. Glushkova. Moscow: IDV RAN; Vostochnaya literatura; 2021. 917 p.: il.
Orientalistica, 2022, №1
, 187-196
Natalia Zheleznova
Frantz Grenet - Full Member of the French Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres
Orientalistica, 2022, №2
, 216-222
Mikhail Bukharin
Modernization of the sacred: two Ramayana novels (a historian’s view)
Orientalistica, 2022, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 243-264
Eugenia Vanina
Crowned Buddha images of Lanna kingdom and "contamination by Mahayana" paradigm
Orientalistica, 2022, №2
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies
, 316-352
Igor Grunin
The Genesis of the Phoenix Image in Persian Poetry and its Interpretation in a Poem of the Same Name by Nima Yushij (1897-1960)
Orientalistica, 2022, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 366-386
Marina Reysner
A. Kuznetsov
Talking to the enemy...: the military phrasebooks by the litterateur Osip Senkovskii (1828) and Lieut.-General Nikolai Biasi (1941). Part 2
Orientalistica, 2022, №2
PHILOLOGY OF THE EAST. Languages of the peoples of the World / Russian language. Languages of the peoples of the Russia
, 387-410
Nikolaj Serikoff
LXI George Roerich Annual International Meeting (Text and cultural space: Ancient and Medieval India and Central Asia)
Orientalistica, 2022, №2
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 412-430
Elena Tyulina
The Project "Under the Skies of South Asia" on the Eve of a New Decade: Through the Interest to the Unknown
Orientalistica, 2022, №2
, 431-441
Svetlana Sidorova
Brahmadeva. Paramātmaprakāśa-vṛtti. First adhikāra, dohaka 11–25
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 460-473
Natalia Zheleznova
From qasida to treatise: philosophical analysis of stories about the conference of the birds
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 474-488
Yu. Fedorova
On the „Points of Dispute” („Kathāvatthu”) Study: Research Approaches
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 489-503
A. Lozhkina
Vivekananda's «Universal Religion» Project: Essence and Prospects
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 504-521
L. Zhukova
Features of the Hellenistic culture of ancient Sudan
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies
, 522-542
A. Desnitsky
Eurasian ideas of Yu. N. Roerich
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 557-572
Alla Shustova
Gajnullina Lyajlya Ajdarovna – Senior lecturer at the Department of Altaic Studies and Sinology
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
, 603-613
S. Silakova-Makarova
L. Gajnullina
Archival data on Historical locations of the Asiatic Museum in the Kunstkamera building
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Ethnology, Anthropology and Ethnography
, 632-642
Dmitry Ivanov
The heavenly feast in the medieval Coptic literature
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 660-675
Eugenia Smagina
The story of the journey with Iblis of the Yemeni Sheikh Abdullah in the Malay "Tale of Merong Mahavangsa"
Orientalistica, 2022, №3
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 676-698
Liubov Goriaeva
The complexity of Oriental studies, its interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 722-733
Alikber Alikberov
New Approaches of Beijing to the Historiography of People’s Republic of China and Communist Party of China: ‘Rectification of Names’ during Xi Jinping Era
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 734-750
I. Denisov
I. Zuenko
“Telling China’s story”: innovations in school history education in PRC in 2010–2020s.
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 751-772
P. Rysakova
Problems of the historical past in Taiwanese history textbooks
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 773-789
Vera Perminova
“Golden Weeks”: New concepts of leisure in China at the beginning of the 21st Century
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 790-804
A. Verchenko
China’s long-term goals: a historic leap towards the economic power and a society of universal prosperity
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 805-821
A. Ostrovskii
The Influence of Ideology and Economic Tasks on the Practice of PRC State Building
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 822-838
A. Ershov
"Period of Strategic Opportunities": the Chinese Foresight Experience and Beijing’s Foreign Policy Perspectives
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 839-856
D. Adamova
I. Denisov
Education development in rural China as an important factor for socio-economic development in the 14
Five-Year Plan period
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 857-866
M. Guleva
On the Policy of Attracting the Intellectual Resources of the Chinese Diaspora to the PRC
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 867-881
A. Afonaseva
Human rights in modern ideology of the Communist Party of China
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 882-897
A. Lomanov
The early stage of coordination of Moscow and Beijing Positions on the construction of the Nuclear power plant (1982–1991)
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 898-914
S. Goncharov
China in the global market of metallurgy resources and equipment for the mining
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 915-926
E. Rastyannikova
Ideological Universe of Xi Jinping
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 928-943
Vladilen Burov
Marxism, the CCP and the new era of Xi Jinping
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 944-960
Alexander Vinogradov
Above Harmony: Notes on the Global Potential of Chinese Thinking
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 961-978
V. Malyavin
Axiological determinants of the self-consciousness of the Chinese people in conditions of the construction of socialism in the new era
Orientalistica, 2022, №4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 980-990
A. Khabarov
To the question of ethnic and political relationships of the Hunno-Bulgar tribes of IV–VI centuries AD (based on the analysis of a one group of ethnonyms). Part 1.
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 1029-1042
S. Mingazov
Maitreya and Zanabazar in Mongolia
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 1043-1061
S.-Kh. Syrtypova
Document Дх-1403 from Khara-Khoto: an amnesty disposal or a fragment of a murder case?
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1077-1097
S. Sidorovich
“Daily Burnt-Offering” and “Financial Offering”: The Understanding of Service in the Hevrat Shomerim la-Boker
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1098-1112
Evgeniya Zarubina
Unpublished fragments of the Sanskrit manuscript SI 2093 of the Lotus Sūtra from the Serindia Collection of the IOM, RAS
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1133-1157
Artem Mesheznikov
A Belated Souvenir: A Tokyo Album from the Archives of Baron F. R. Osten-Sacken
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 1158-1168
Andrey Kulikov
“An outstanding lama of the West taught...” – M. Pallis and his treatise warning Tibet about the consequences of Kali Yuga
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 1170-1186
Denis Korablin
The Mission of the Headless Horseman: on a Migrating Plot in the Chinese “Records of Anomalies”
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Folklore studies
, 1188-1202
A. Starostina
Nāṣir-i Xusrav and his Rawšanāī-nāmeh (“The Book of Enlightenment”) (beyts 332–455). Translation from Percian into Russian, comments and introduction
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1203-1222
Natalya Prigarina
Mavzuna Shakarbekova
Pulp Fiction: Indonesian detective from 1950–1960s’
Orientalistica, 2022, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the World
, 1239-1260
Marina Frolova
Protective weapons in the khanates of Central Asia in the late 18
— early 20
Orientalistica, 2023, №1
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 55-72
D. Miloserdov
Russian orientalism vs. Korean positivism: reflections on the translation of biographies (Yŏlchŏn) from the Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms (Samguk Sagi) into English
Orientalistica, 2023, №1
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 119-142
A. Solovyov
Chinese Legends about the Construction Sacrifice in the 8
— 9
Centuries and Worship of the Smithing Goddesses
Orientalistica, 2023, №1
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Folklore studies
, 144-157
A. Starostina
LXII George Roerich Annual International Meeting. Text and Cultural Dynamics: Ancient and Medieval India and Central Asia
Orientalistica, 2023, №1
CHRONICLE. Conference report
, 159-172
Elena Tyulina
The Role of Pilgrimage Missions in Zunghar-Qing Relations in Tibet and Kokunor
Orientalistica, 2023, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 208-224
D. Kukeev
To the question of ethnic and political relationships of the Hunno-Bulgar tribes of IV–VI centuries AD (based on the analysis of a one group of ethnonyms). Part 2
Orientalistica, 2023, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 225-238
S. Mingazov
The Sali Bauatdinov's manuscript sub-collection within the manuscript collection from the Karakalpak institute of humanities of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan / Nukus
Orientalistica, 2023, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 239-248
Tatiana Anikeeva
The North-Eastern Caucasus as an object of Russian geopolitics (the 17th – 18th centuries)
Orientalistica, 2023, №2
HISTORY OF THE EAST. National History
, 251-259
Vadim Trepavlov
Dispute About the Denied (munkar) in the Qalandar Ghazal by Majdud Sanai “Good Handsome Men Live in Our Backstreet”
Orientalistica, 2023, №2
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 271-288
A. Lukashev
On the Issue of the Concept of Taqlid in the Iqbal’s Poetry: Selfless Following or Shameless Imitation?
Orientalistica, 2023, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Theory of literature
, 290-305
Natalya Prigarina
The ways of creating historical fiction stories in the Chahar maqala (“Four Discourses”) by Nizami ‘Aruzi Samarqandi (the mid-6/12th cent.)
Orientalistica, 2023, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 306-345
A. Khismatulin
The Questions of Theodore. Part 1
Orientalistica, 2023, №2
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 346-368
Eugenia Smagina
[Book review:] Beljaev L. Byzantine Jericho: Excavations after a Century. Ed. by Acad. N. A. Makarov. Moscow: Indrik, 2016. 500 p., ill.
Orientalistica, 2023, №2
, 385-389
N. May
Critical Method of History Writing for the Russia’s Muslim Turkic Peoples in Talfiq al-akhbar by Murad Ramzi
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. National History
, 403-417
S. Akhmadullin
Some themes in anthropomorphic and zoomorphic stone sculpture of the Mountainous Dagestan
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. National History
, 434-455
Ekaterina Endoltseva
P. Takhnaeva
Admiral N. S. Mordvinov and the Caucasus
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. National History
, 456-476
V. Mukhanov
Toward a Methodology for the Study of Buddhist Fine Art: (using an example of Zanabazar’s works)
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 534-547
S.-Kh. Syrtypova
From Muslim Chronicles to National Historiographies? (The Conceptual Introduction)
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 548-567
Vladimir Bobrovnikov
Aleksandr Vasilyev
S. Akhmadullin
Shamil Shikhaliev
Inscription on the Monument in honor of Möngke qaghan 1257 in Mongolia: Interpretation and analysis of the Chinese text
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 568-584
Anastasiya Lyulina
К. Batygin
“Quo vadis?”: problems and prospects of studying Jainism (Beginning)
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 607-621
Natalia Zheleznova
Universal Religion: Ways of Realization in the Teachings of Swami Vivekananda and N. K. Roerich
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Culture
, 622-642
L. Zhukova
The Questions of Theodore. Part II
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 644-668
Eugenia Smagina
Daoist priest as magical helper in Pei Xing’s novella “The Tale of Xue Zhao”
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Folklore studies
, 691-704
A. Starostina
[Book Review:] Majumdar, Susmita Basu. Mahasthan Record Revisited: Querying the Empire from a Regional Perspective (1st ed.). London–New York: Routledge–Taylor & Francis Group; Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2023. 111 pp., ill. (colour plates). https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003405061 (ebk)
Orientalistica, 2023, №3-4
, 729-738
Anton Zakharov
Manuscripts on the Warfare from the Collection of the Asiatic Museum
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
, 775-794
D. Zaitseva
in Arab Islamic historiography
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 816-822
S. Frantsouzoff
The manuscript of Nizami’s “Khosrow and Shirin” in Judeo-Persian from the collection of Elkan Nathan Adler
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. Historiography, source critical studies, historical research methods
, 858-869
R. Ashkenazi
Writings of Dagestani authors in Arabic language in the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. National History
, 870-885
Alikber Alikberov
I. Chmilevskaya
The situation of the Russian Palestine Society in the second half of the 1920s based on materials from the Archive of Orientalists of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
HISTORY OF THE EAST. National History
, 900-909
V. Rozov
Translation of the chapter On the word of God Almighty (glory to Him!)” from the treatise of Nasir Khusraw Six Chapters” (Shish fasl)
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 911-926
T. Korneyeva
About Avicennа’s modification of Aristotelian hylemorphism: immaterialization of the human soul
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
PHILOSOPHY OF THE EAST. History of philosophy
, 927-942
Natalya Efremova
Nāṣir Xusraw and his Rawšanā’ī-nāmа (“The Book of Enlightenment”) (beyts 456–590). Translation from Persian into Russian, comments and introduction
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 955-976
Natalya Prigarina
Mavzuna Shakarbekova
The Leningrad (dating to the siege) edition of “The song of Roland” (1943)
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 977-985
Dmitry Mikulsky
Invocation of God in the formal structure of letters in Ferdowsi’s
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 986-1000
S. Lahuti
Ibn Akhi Hizam at the origins of Medieval Muslim literature of the “furusiyya” genre
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Literature of the peoples of the world
, 1001-1009
V. Ponaryadov
How to read (and understand) folk poetry? Аn example of applying a cognitive approach to the study of an oral Arabic tradition from Northern Morocco
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LITERATURE OF THE EAST. Folklore studies
, 1021-1033
S. Gintsburg
Comparison of Approaches to Arabic-Russian Transcription and Transliteration
Orientalistica, 2023, №5
LINGUISTICS OF THE EAST. Languages of the peoples of the World
, 1053-1066
I. Orlov
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