

Том 6, №5 (2023) Abi Jaber Dj., Kudriavtsev A. V. Russian and Arabic Dictionary of Christian and Biblical Vocabulary — :Moscow قاموس روسي – عربي للمصطلحات المسیحیة والكتابیة B. S. G.-Press, 2020
Том 6, №3-4 (2023) [Book Review:] Majumdar, Susmita Basu. Mahasthan Record Revisited: Querying the Empire from a Regional Perspective (1st ed.). London–New York: Routledge–Taylor & Francis Group; Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2023. 111 pp., ill. (colour plates). (ebk)
Том 6, №2 (2023) [Book review:] Beljaev L. Byzantine Jericho: Excavations after a Century. Ed. by Acad. N. A. Makarov. Moscow: Indrik, 2016. 500 p., ill.
Том 6, №1 (2023) [Book Review:] Andreev Alexey. Quest for the Historical Jesus: from Reimarus to our Time. Moscow: NLO, 2022. 368 p.
Том 5, №4 (2022) [Book Review:] Brock, Sebastian P. and Kiraz, George A. Gorgias Concise Syriac-English, English-Syriac Dictionary. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press; 2015.
Том 5, №3 (2022) [Book Review] Catalogue of the Old Uyghur manuscripts and blockprints in the Serindia Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. Vol. 1. Tokyo: The Toyo Bunko, 2021. 386 p.
Том 5, №2 (2022) The Project "Under the Skies of South Asia" on the Eve of a New Decade: Through the Interest to the Unknown
Том 5, №1 (2022) About pride, shame and so on… [Book review:] Under the Skies of South Asia & Shame and Pride: the Preliminaries of Emotional Standards and Practices. Ed. and gen. ed.: I. Glushkova. Moscow: IDV RAN; Vostochnaya literatura; 2021. 917 p.: il.
Том 4, №4 (2021) Eastern Mediterranean at the turn of the tide [Book review:] Fusaro M. Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean: The Decline of Venice and the Rise of England, 1450–1700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. XVI+408 p.
Том 4, №2 (2021) LX George Roerich Annual International Meeting (Ancient and Medieval India and Central Asia: Text and the Genesis of Notions and Meanings in Culture)
Том 4, №1 (2021) East and resources: from Antiquity to the Present [Review on:] Alexander M. Etkind. The Nature of evil. Raw materials and the state. Moscow: New Literary Review; 2020. 504 p.
Том 3, №5 (2020) “Beautiful virtue” (mei-de 美德) as the “most precious treasure” in China. [Review on:] Su Shuyang (ed.) A Reader on the Beautiful Virtue of China. Transl. from Сhinese by Yang Chunlei, A. I. Kobzev. Moscow; St. Petersburg: Nestor-History; 2019. 320 р.
Том 3, №4 (2020) Military Orientologist Schools in the Context of the Foreign and Military Policy of the Russian State in the Late 19th ‒ early 20th Centuries. [Review on:] Baskhanov M. K. A History of the Study of Eastern Languages in the Russian Imperial Army. Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-istoria, 2018. 632 p.
Том 3, №4 (2020) Some thoughts on historical and legal aspects regarding the fourth volume of the “Laws of the Great Ming dynasty” translated into Russian. [Review on:] Svistunova N. P. (transl.), Dmitriev S. V. (ed.). Laws of the Great Ming Dynasty with the Combined Commentary and Enclosed Decrees (Da Ming Liuy Tsi Tze Fu Li). Pt. IV. Moscow: Vostochnaya literature; 2019. 550 p.
Том 3, №3 (2020) [Review on:] Donets A. M. (transl.), Lepekhov S. Yu. (ed.). Sutra “Prajna-paramita, the Eight Thousandth”. Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra. Ulan-Ude: Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 2017
Том 3, №3 (2020) Under Gegen in the historical Retrospective, sociocultural Processes and ethno-cultural Dynamics of the Buddhist traditions in Mongolia [Review on:] Chulun S. (ed.). “Sardag Monastery”. Under Gegeen Zanabazar's Creative Monastery. Ulaanbaatar: Institute of the History and Archeology; 2019
Том 3, №1 (2020) [Review on:] : Tangut Version of the Lotus Sutra in the Collection of Princeton University Library, Facsimile, Text and Linguistic Studies. プリンストン大学図 書館所蔵西夏文妙法蓮華経 – 写真版及びテキストの研究. / Ed. by Arakawa Shintaro 荒川慎太郎編著. Lotus Sutra Manuscript Series 16. 東京 (Tōkyō): 創価学会, 東洋哲学研究所, 2018. Soka Gakkai, Institute of Oriental Philosophy, 2017. x, 206, 54 pl.
Том 3, №1 (2020) Early Buddhism. Ideas of Nagarjuna and His Written Legacy in the 21st century
Том 2, №4 (2019) [Review on:] Ed. by Jared Diamond and James A. Robinson. Natural Experiments of History. Harvard University Press, 2010
Том 2, №3 (2019) [Review on] Kutsenkov P. a., Lavrentieva N. V., Chegodaev M. A. From ancestral society to early civilizations: Ancient Egypt and West Africa / Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, State Institute of Art Studies. Moscow: IV RAS, 2019. 508 p.
Том 2, №3 (2019) [Review on] Desnitsky A. S. Leaders and Kings of Israel. Biblical Translations by Andrei Desnitsky. Moscow: Ripol Classic, 2018. 536 p.; Desnitsky A. S. The Prophets of Israel. Biblical Translations by Andrei Desnitsky. Moscow: Ripol Classic, 2018. 576 p.
Том 2, №2 (2019) [Review on] Androsov V. P. Essays on the study of Buddhism in ancient India. Moscow: IOS RAS; Nauka - Vostochnaya literatura; 2019. 799 p.