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HISTORY OF THE EAST. General history
Vol 6, №5 (2023)
The descendants of the Mamluks in the Arab sociocultural environment: Ibn Qurqmas (d. 1477)
Vol 6, №5 (2023)
Manuscripts on the Warfare from the Collection of the Asiatic Museum
Vol 6, №5 (2023)
The History by Shanbal as the Earliest Specimen of the Historiography of Hadramawt
Vol 6, №5 (2023)
Climate as a determining factor in the economic development of the Middle East on the example of Medieval Iraq in the 10th century
Vol 6, №3-4 (2023)
Titulature of the Kara-Khitay rulers in Muslim sources of the 12th–15th centuries
Vol 6, №3-4 (2023)
A Sogdian clan in power at the Chaliphate’s Caucasian frontier: The Sajids. II — Abu-l-Qasim Yusuf (900s — 920s)
Vol 6, №3-4 (2023)
Artillery in the khanates of Central Asia in the 18th — early 20th centuries according to memoir sources and travel sketches
Vol 6, №2 (2023)
A Sogdian Clan in Power at the Caliphate Caucasian Frontier: The Sajids. I. Abu ‘Ubayd Allah Muhammad (870
– 890
). Part 1
Vol 6, №2 (2023)
The Role of Pilgrimage Missions in Zunghar-Qing Relations in Tibet and Kokunor
Vol 6, №2 (2023)
To the question of ethnic and political relationships of the Hunno-Bulgar tribes of IV–VI centuries AD (based on the analysis of a one group of ethnonyms). Part 2
Vol 6, №1 (2023)
Protective weapons in the khanates of Central Asia in the late 18
— early 20
Vol 5, №5 (2022)
To the question of ethnic and political relationships of the Hunno-Bulgar tribes of IV–VI centuries AD (based on the analysis of a one group of ethnonyms). Part 1.
Vol 5, №5 (2022)
Maitreya and Zanabazar in Mongolia
Vol 5, №5 (2022)
The Kukunor lake campaign of the Oirats 1636–1637: run-up
Vol 5, №4 (2022)
China’s long-term goals: a historic leap towards the economic power and a society of universal prosperity
Vol 5, №4 (2022)
The Influence of Ideology and Economic Tasks on the Practice of PRC State Building
Vol 5, №4 (2022)
"Period of Strategic Opportunities": the Chinese Foresight Experience and Beijing’s Foreign Policy Perspectives
Vol 5, №4 (2022)
Education development in rural China as an important factor for socio-economic development in the 14
Five-Year Plan period
Vol 5, №4 (2022)
On the Policy of Attracting the Intellectual Resources of the Chinese Diaspora to the PRC
Vol 5, №4 (2022)
Human rights in modern ideology of the Communist Party of China
Vol 5, №4 (2022)
The early stage of coordination of Moscow and Beijing Positions on the construction of the Nuclear power plant (1982–1991)
Vol 5, №4 (2022)
China in the global market of metallurgy resources and equipment for the mining
Vol 5, №3 (2022)
“Once Again on Understanding Some Fragments of the Ancient Egyptian Satrap Stela”: Grade D, Again
Vol 5, №2 (2022)
Features of the Hellenistic culture of ancient Sudan
Vol 5, №2 (2022)
Modernization of the sacred: two Ramayana novels (a historian’s view)
Vol 4, №5 (2021)
Tibetan policy of the Mongols (1205–1235)
Vol 4, №5 (2021)
The Eastern Sea Route as Depicted in a Chinese Historical Geographical Description of Foreign Lands of the Yuan dynasty (1279–1368) Daoyi zhilüe (“A Brief Description of the Island Barbarians”, 1349/1350): Chapters 1–4, Translation with Commentary
Vol 4, №5 (2021)
Socioeconomic Changes in South Arabia in The First Half of The Sixteenth Century.
Vol 4, №4 (2021)
The Reincarnations of the Andzhatan Lama: a Study of the Phenomenon
Vol 4, №4 (2021)
New data for attribution of the miniature of St. Luke from the collection of the University of St. Joseph in Beirut
Vol 4, №4 (2021)
Introduction to the study of Kong-zi jia-yu (“School Sayings of Confucius”)
Vol 4, №4 (2021)
Mingtang and Tiantang of the Empess Wu Zetian (624–705)
Vol 4, №4 (2021)
Sources on the History of the Berber Tribal Confederation of Ṣanhāja in the Middle Ages: The Issue of Reliability
Vol 4, №3 (2021)
Latin inscription CIL III 90 in the context of the history of Roman Orient. Old and new interpretations
Vol 4, №3 (2021)
Witnessed in Stone: Epigraphic Evidence of Addressees of the Prophet’s Missives in Ḥaḍramawt
Vol 4, №3 (2021)
Was Diodorus right?
Vol 4, №3 (2021)
Problems in studying of Akkadian expression ubānum ištēt ‘one finger’
Vol 4, №2 (2021)
Tangut captivity of Genghis Khan
Vol 4, №1 (2021)
Could Xerxes push the land back? On understanding some fragments from the Satrap Stele of Ptolemy
Vol 4, №1 (2021)
Inscriptions on the Ancient Chinese Bronze Vessels “Bi Qi You” (Late Shang Period)
Vol 4, №1 (2021)
The periodization of the relations between Dzungaria and Tibet in the first half of the 18
Vol 3, №5 (2020)
The migrations of the Sea Peoples circa 1200 BC according to written sources, narrative tradition and archaeology
Vol 3, №5 (2020)
Peribsen and Lower Egypt
Vol 3, №5 (2020)
Some evidence about the foundation of Lùo-yì 雒邑 from Yì-Zhōu-shū 逸周書 (“Lost Book of Zhou”)
Vol 3, №5 (2020)
A term “minyan” in Venetian Hevrat Shomerim la-Boker minute book (16–17th centuries)
Vol 3, №4 (2020)
Factors of formation and specific aspects of syncretic processes in Meroe religion
Vol 3, №4 (2020)
Ōta Gyūichi. “Shinchō-kō ki”. Book VIII (part 2)
Vol 3, №4 (2020)
, Shudraka’s
and Christian missionaries’ disgust
Vol 3, №3 (2020)
Arabic Manuscript Book Traditions: Script, Space Arrangement of the Text and Bibliographical Description
Vol 3, №3 (2020)
A Monarchy and a Half: the Ancient Israelite Statehood Evaluated
Vol 3, №3 (2020)
Ōta Gyūichi. “Shinchō-kō ki”. Book 8 (part 1)
Vol 3, №2 (2020)
Methods of the narrative analysis: monarchies in the Ancient Israel
Vol 3, №2 (2020)
Interpretation of the image of the Goddess Tara by Zanabazar compared to that by his predecesors and followers (from Sri Lanka to Siberia)
Vol 3, №2 (2020)
Ōta Gyūichi. “Shinchō-kō ki”. Book VII
Vol 3, №1 (2020)
How Many monarchies were there in Ancient Israel? Identifying and stating the problem
Vol 3, №1 (2020)
Ōta Gyūichi. “Shinchō-kō ki”. Book V
Vol 2, №4 (2019)
Buddha Akshobhya in Mongolia
Vol 2, №4 (2019)
Historical data from Shu-jing regarding the states Shang and Zhou (“The Canon of Writings”)
Vol 2, №3 (2019)
“Animal style” before the pharaohs: Egyptian predynastic rock-art and handicraft representationism as a palaeogeographical source (return to the problem)
Vol 2, №3 (2019)
The Crowned and Bejewelled Buddha in Theravada iconography: canonical sources and symbolic meaning
Vol 2, №3 (2019)
Tathagata Buddhas by the artist Zanabazar (1635-1723): Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi, Vairochana
Vol 2, №2 (2019)
Ayurvedic treatises of the classical period on the importance of physical exercises
Vol 2, №2 (2019)
Lokayata and lokayatics in the ancient sources (the Pali Canon and the “Arthashastra”)
Vol 2, №1 (2019)
The tathagata as the character of verbal duel
Vol 2, №1 (2019)
Vajradhara Buddha in Mongolia
Vol 1, №3-4 (2018)
Trinakirana mudra in Buddhist iconography of Myanmar and Thailand
Vol 1, №3-4 (2018)
The Term “Tathagata” and the Situation of the Verbal Duel in Ancient India: Who is the Tathagata?
Vol 1, №2 (2018)
Jesuits and the Enlightenment. The New Vision of China from Matteo Ricci to Adam Smith
Vol 1, №2 (2018)
Reflection of the Historical Epoch in Miniature Sculpture of the 13
Century Mongolian Chess Figures
Vol 1, №1 (2018)
Living Through Intense Yearning and Elated Bliss: Emotional Indoctrination in the Songs of Tukaram (Western India)
Vol 1, №1 (2018)
On the Discovery of Medieval Mongolian Chess in the Northern Caucasus
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